Latino Diversity in the United States

The Council for Latino Workplace Equity (CLWE) serves as a trusted resource and platform to foster workplace equity for Latino talent. The time is now to re-examine and remove barriers that impede Latino’ achievements in the workplace. We are committed to events and programs that foster Latinx workplace equity and highlight the pertinent opportunities and challenges that impact our community.
The Latino/Hispanic population in the United States continues to grow in influence. As leaders who are devoted to change within the Hispanic/Latino community, we recognize that we are at a tipping point. Numbers from the 2020 U.S. Census Bureau showed that 18.7% of the US population is Latinx - including people who identify as Hispanic, Latino and Latina. This number is projected to almost double to 111.2 million or 27.5% of the total population in 2060 according to a 2017 estimate.
The initiatives by the Council of Latino Workplace Equity seek to support the growth that is observed within our community. Through the shared effort of all our leaders and partners, we aim to not only trailblaze the research about Latino workplace equity but also to foster change through our educational segments and programming that highlight equitable best practices.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau 2020 and 2017 National Population Projection

The Latino/Hispanic population in the United States continues to grow in influence. As leaders who are devoted to change within the Hispanic/Latino community, we recognize that we are at a tipping point. Numbers from the 2020 U.S. Census Bureau showed that 18.7% of the US population is Latinx - including people who identify as Hispanic, Latino and Latina. This number is projected to almost double to 111.2 million or 27.5% of the total population in 2060 according to a 2017 estimate.
The initiatives by the Council of Latino Workplace Equity seek to support the growth that is observed within our community. Through the shared effort of all our leaders and partners, we aim to not only trailblaze the research about Latino workplace equity but also to foster change through our educational segments and programming that highlight equitable best practices.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau 2020 and 2017 National Population Projection